The Dawn of Civilization

Around 90 years ago the psychic Edgar Cayce, in one of his somnambulent readings, told of Atlantis’ demise and the evacuations to Egypt, Pyrenees (Basque country), the Yucatan, America and the Gobi region of central Asia.  He talked of air ships.  He talked of the beginnings of Egypt and the building of the first pyramids.

He placed the demise of Atlantis at 10,500 B.C., 12,500 years ago.  As such he is also placing the beginning of Egypt and the other four “safety areas” (Cayce’s term) at that same point in time – 12,500 years ago.

That time is remarkably close to the current dating of the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) at 12,900 years ago.

It was the 1920s and 1930s when Cayce’s subconscious talked about Atlantis going under the sea due to cataclysmic subsidence of the last of the islands of the earlier broken up continent.  At that time human civilization – agriculture, cities, animal husbandry, etc. – was thought to go back about 5,000 years, and Cayce’s dates were looked at as ludicrous.

As I put it together,  if there was an Atlantis (or whatever one wants to call a possible earlier civilization) then the event would have surely been a tsunami event, both as Cayce described it and as Plato also did in about 500 B.C.  Cayce’s inundation was due to quakes, and Plato did not describe what caused the inundation, though it has most often described in quake-like terms ever since.  But it was much more likely to have been a tsunami.  Since in the Age of Science (~1550 to the present) there had not been a really desctructive tsunami.

But having two big tsunamis in the last 8 years after no really big ones for about 450 years, we can – and should – now look at tsunami destruction in a completely different light than even only a decade ago.  The closest city to the 2004 tsunami was Bandah Aceh on the northern tip of Sumatra. What happened there?  Bandah Aceh’s downtown was scoured down to beach sand in 2004.   Only one palm tree was left standing.  Japan’s tsunami in 2011 created probably 5 times the destruction of the Sumatran one seven years earlier, though the energy released directly from the two earthquakes was roughly the same.

One of the more easily disbelieved statements in Plato’s account of Atlantis was that it went under the waves in one day and night.  After seeing the destruction of that puny tsunami wave in 2004 (it was only a few meters high in many of the places where it came ashore), I saw that a big enough tsunami could actually wipe a city off the map.  Not the 2004 one, and not the 2011 one, but it is now more feasible than before 2004.

Put that in your head and mull it over a bit. together with a possible oceanic impact of a comet fragment of a few hundred meters, as close to a coastline as both those quakes were.  We are told of megatsunamis hundreds of meters in height.  The Japan tsunami was about 30 meters high at its maximum, and it traveled inland and uphill, even turning a fresh water lake 8 km inland into a salt water lake.  If a 30 meter high tsunami can travel 8 km on ascending land, how far inland can a 300 meter one travel?  And if the 3 meter high one could scour a city’s downtown almost clean away, what would one 100 times higher do to a city?

Keeping all that in mind, let’s go to this article: Rewriting the Dawn of Civilization at Joanna Nova’s blog.  Göbleki Tepe is a ruin in southeastern Turkey near the Syrian border.  It has been dated back to 11,600 years ago (ya).  Keep that date in mind for the time being.  It is the very end of the Younger Drays – and the beginning of the Holocene Climate Optimum period, which lasted for about 5,000 years and was a good deal warmer than the present.  Essentially, this is the specific time when civilization is believed to have begun.

Let’s not misread that, though.  Even decades before Gobleki Tepe was studied archeologists and anthropologists have seen the ~10,000 B.C as being the start of agriculture, animal domestication and several other aspects of what we call civilization.  In fact, they have all wondered at the coincidence of all those things coming about at the same time.  Even more amazing may be the fact that indigenous accounts in many cultures assert that some special person came from elsewhere and taught them these things.  Kukulcan, Quetzelcoatl, Thoth – these things were not developed, but were handed to them, fully developed.  They did not develop them themselves – not if you listen to the indigenous accounts.

Now, looking at Göbleki Tepe, we see wonderful artwork, terrific architecture, and urban planning.  To all the world, Göbleki Tepe looks like a cross between Stonehenge and Ancient Egypt – both of which date to 6,000 to 7,000 years later according to current establishment datings.  The T-pillars at Göbleki Tepe recall to mind the Triithons at Stonehenge.  The sculpted columns are reminiscent of hieroglyphics and bas-reliefs on Egyptian temples.  

The plan of the site is something that had to have had a good deal of planning on the lines of what we now call urban planning.  I see features that tell me there was an upper level, resting on top of the T-pillars. The quality of the animals sculptures brings to mind the quality of the cave art at places like Altimirano and Lascaux.  They just seem far too early.  At least according to the dating of sites and artifacts in current establishment thinking.

Göbleki Tepe is basically something science never expected to find.  As the article discusses, the site takes the beginnings of real civilization back farther than ever suspected – and right into Cayce’s wheelhouse.  It puts civilization back to only 1,300 years after the onset of the Younger Dryas (12,900 ya) and only 800 years after Cayce’s destruction of Atlantis and the evacuation to five safety places around the globe.  This 1,300 years is exactly the age given for the length of the Younger Dryas stadial.  And at that time – when the Earth’s temps rose about 6°C about as fast as the ice age returned – there was Göbleki Tepe, a finished civilized, planned complex, complete with artwork.  It could almost be a modern shopping mall, the way it is laid out.

Now we get into comet fragments and comet impacts.  As many here are aware, in 2007 a hypothesis was made public that suggested that at 12,900ya a comet or multiple comets impacted the Earth in North America and caused a catastrophic firestorm and possibly caused the extinction of the megafauna in North America, including mammoths, giant sloths, mastodons, dire wolves – about 33 animals in all, plus Clovis Man.  The worldwide climate changed abruptly and severely.  The temperatures as shown in the ice cores from Greenland indicate a drop of around 8°C – ten times more than the rise in global temperatures since 1900.  Some academic papers suggest it happened in less than 10 years, which is the geological equivalent of saying it happened instantaneously.  The mammoths in Northern Siberia also went extinct at that time.  A black mat up to 10cm thick was deposited (essentially all at the same time) on at least four continents.

Some of the impact evidence – especially at a Syrian site only a hundered miles or so from Göbleki Tepe – seems to indicate that at 12,9000ya there was an impact not far away.  If so that seems to indicate there were multiple impacts, spanning the Atlantic Ocean.

Here, in this same time scheme (12,900ya) we have megafauna extinctions, the eradication of Clovis Man, new ice age conditions (the last in history as of the present), and the black mat.

Within 400 years, Cayce says Atlantis sank and Egypt began building pyramids.

Within another 500 years writing began, as did agriculture, animal domestication, civilization.

Consider now that the 900 year range of all that might just as well be zero years. The datings are inexact to a degree that they might all be in error by a few hundred years.

Göbleki Tepe’s art work and engineering did not come from nowhere.  It either developed for hundreds or thousands of years or it was taught them by a teacher from elsewhere.

In any event, Cayce’s dates are no longer ludicrous.  In fact, the more time has passed, the closer the academic’s dates seem to approach Cayce’s dates.  If anything Cayce was more right than the scientists of his day.

Does any of this mean that Atlantis was real?  No, but it makes it more plausible.  (Possible) multiple impacts on both sides of the Atlantic would give rise to the question of possible Atlantic impacts at q12,900ya, too.

An oceanic cometary impact would cause a mega-tsunami of unkown dimensions, but certainly 10 times bigger (if not 100 to 1,000 times bigger) than the two recent tsunamis.  If there was an island civilization before the impacts, the odds of there being one afterward are not great at all.

It is too early to do more than simply speculate on all of it being correct, but it sure makes me wonder. . .

There have been times when I thought Cayce might have been just a great guesser.  He certainly didn’t cheat on the final exam.  All his readings were taken down by a stenographer and typed up each day.  They have been made public for at least the 44 years I’ve known about them.  Right now I think he may have been tapping into something I don’t understand.  If he wasn’t just a lucky guesser, how do we explain that science keeps coming closer and closer to his dates?  He credited it to a Universal Mind that is connects everything to everything, and that he was tapping into that Mind/connectedness.

Who knows?

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